Developers of unique IT products based on neurotechnologies and psychology
About us
TARTYPE Limited Liability Company (abbreviated as OOO TARTYPE), is a company whose main activity is focused on the development of its own computer software (code and name of activity 62.01) in the field of online learning, including via VR-helmets and neuroheadsets. And also OOO TARTYPE is engaged in wholesale and retail trade of computers, computer peripherals and software, publishing of other software products, user training activities, activities for preparation of computer systems for operation and activities for management of computer systems.

Thus today at OOO TARTYPE we are developing:

  • our own educational online learning platform
  • VR-helmet software related to online learning
  • neuroheadband software related to online learning
A breakthrough in quality will only be possible when AI and humans learn to understand each other, eliminating the barrier of the archaic input-output device. We realize that AI is just a tool, not a substitute for humans. It is capable of performing many complex tasks and managing processes that were previously only available to humans. And as AI continues to evolve, it is beginning to perform even more complex tasks based on sophisticated algorithms and self-learning mechanisms.
Psychology and artificial intelligence are the two areas that can change the future of human evolution. The future is already here and as we walk along this path together with our team, we strive to be beneficial for you and enjoy working together with you.
We are already contributing our technology to products and programs implemented in the educational sector, in the training of experts, in the creation of new programs for psychologists and coaches, in the recruitment and training of personnel, and for the effective work of CEOs and entrepreneurs.
Our technologies are used by:
International Research Institute of Psychotechnologies, Kazakhstan
Virtual Academy of Psychotechnologies
International Research Institute of Psychotechnologies
Our fields of interest
Wearable devices, innovative mobile devices
Our own methodologies of efficiency and efficacy increase in business and in personal life
Algorithms of processing, description and interpretation of incoming data
Data markup
By receiving a large array of marked-up data, the computer better understands exactly what a person is doing and what he wants, in order to search for new paradigms and classify actions to achieve the intended goals and objectives in life, in a project, in business.
Our events
We frequently organize conferences and seminars dedicated to the exchange of knowledge and experience, to which we invite partners, scientists and tech companies.
Our technologies:
  • Headband
  • VR helmet with a neural interface
  • Headphones translators
  • A cube for sleeping
Technology stack
1. Platforms
Our company develops online learning platforms for students with the ability to publish texts, video, audio, create tests, quizzes and integrations of:
· student neuromentors
· digital alter egos for online broadcasts.

Platforms are created in JavaScript, React.js library is used to create the user interface. Node.js framework is used to work with servers. Furthermore, PostgreSQL relational database management system is used to work with databases. Software used to create Visual studio code platform.

2. VR applications
Our company develops applications/games for VR headsets with 3D animation and 3D textures, the ability to interact with virtual objects using hands or eyes, and the ability to integrate learning programs for students into this environment.

Development of applications for virtual reality headsets operating on Android OS is carried out using Unreal Engine software version 4.2.4, C++ programming language and Blueprints visual scripting system.

3. Digital alter egos
Our company develops digital alter egos for further use in online broadcasts or creating video materials, as well as using them in metaverses.
Development of a digital alter ego has following stages:
  • Creation of the body and skeleton is done in Character Creator software using Embedded Python programming language.
  • Hairstyles, shoes and accessories, (and partially clothing), as well as all three-dimensional objects in the virtual world where the avatar is located are created in blender and Zbrush software using Python and ZScript programming languages.
  • The clothes are created in the Marvelous Designer software using the C++ programming language.
  • Virtual space and gameplay are built and programmed on Unreal Engine using the C++ programming language.
  • Since each of these programs uses different programming languages and are compatible with each other, the final project is assembled in the video game format on Unreal Engine 5 software.

4. Neuromentors
Our company develops neuromentors that are able to work with students, namely, to answer students' questions on the material they have studied. Neuromentors are created using Python language, Langchain and Huggingface frameworks, as well as the chatGPT 3.5 Turbo speech model.
Psychotech Laboratory
INN 7452164078
Uniform State Register of Legal Entities code 1237400030636
Legal address: 454007, Chelyabinsk, Lenin Ave., 26А, build. 2, office 305